Local News

Austin Cops Recommend a Kibosh on Solo Strolls

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Tony Maples Photography


Residents and visitors to Austin have been warned by police that the popular Entertainment District, as well as jogging trails, have seen an uptick in crimes against people who appear to be alone. Muggings, robberies, and assaults are not limited to nighttime hours. Daytime incidents have spurred patrols to caution that people need to become aware of their surroundings and if possible, travel with a friend or colleague.

Austin Cops Recommend a Kibosh on Solo Strolls

Photo: Pixabay.com

In an interview with KVUE, Senior Patrol Officer Pedro Loureiro identified that both males and females are regularly seen in high-crime areas, walking alone, focused on their cell phones or other devices and, “…not situationally aware of what’s going on around them – if people are following them.”

Austin Cops Recommend a Kibosh on Solo Strolls

Photo: Wikimedia.org

In the wake of the increase in personal crimes against individuals, the University of Texas campus at Austin has formed a SURE WALK program, offering volunteer companionship for those walking home from the school. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., students leaving their courses to return home can contact the program for a volunteer to walk them home safely on campus.

Austin Cops Recommend a Kibosh on Solo Strolls

Photo: Pexels.com

Warning that people need to begin to take more responsibility for their personal safety, Austin police are urging residents and tourists alike to take precautions, travel using the buddy system, avoid using the same routines and routes, and follow their instincts. If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t.