In conjunction with the Johnson City Community’s celebration of “Lights Spectacular,” the Lyndon B. Johnson Boyhood Home will be open for free lamplight tours Saturdays in December from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. National park rangers will provide tours of this historic house and explain life in Johnson City before rural electrification. The LBJ Boyhood Home is located on Elm Street, one block south of Highway 290 (“Main Street” in Johnson City).
Things to Do
Celebrate Christmas in the Boyhood Home of a Former President
Don’t Miss the “Lights Spectacular”
Photo: Facebook/JohnsonCityTX
This park event is complemented by the stunning lighting display at the Pedernales Electric Cooperative, across the street from the Boyhood Home, with majestic live oaks resplendent in hundreds of thousands of tiny white lights. In addition, the Blanco County Courthouse, just two blocks north of the Boyhood Home on Avenue G, is the centerpiece of the town’s seasonal celebration, “Lights Spectacular,” and is not to be missed.
President Johnson Was Born, Lived and Died at the Ranch
Photo: Facebook/LBJohnsonNPS
President Johnson had a deep attachment to place and heritage. The LBJ Ranch was where he was born, lived, died, and was buried. After the President’s death in 1973, Mrs. Johnson continued to live at the Ranch part time until her death in 2007.
Visit the LBJ National Historic Park
Photo: Facebook/LBJohnsonNPS
LBJ National Historic Park is divided into two separate units. The Johnson City Unit, located in Johnson City, Texas, consists of the park headquarters and visitor center, Lyndon Johnson’s childhood home, and the Johnson Settlement containing his grandparents frontier log cabin. The LBJ Ranch Unit preserves President Johnson’s ranch. Within the ranch district are Lyndon Johnson’s birthplace, the Johnson family cemetery, and the Texas White House from which he ran the country for a portion of his presidency.
The LBJ Ranch is still a working cattle ranch and LBJ NHP does preserve the LBJ bloodline in the Herefords that are raised there. To learn more about the LBJ Ranch and the Christmas event at LBJ’s boyhood home, visit the website or follow them on Facebook.