If your family is looking for a new fun-filled way to pass the time away at your annual Christmas gathering, then AwesomeJelly has the game for you! Frugal, fun and easy to do, the “Saran Wrap Game”, as it’s called, entails battling through layer upon layer of plastic wrap to get to the good stuff-candy!
First things first, invest in a roll of Saran Wrap or similar plastic wrap and goodies as prizes. These can vary, such as small toys, cash, and candy, and the suggestion from the game-maker is to place small candy bars or packages of gum in the outer layers and closer to the center, items such as small hand sanitizers and lip balm. The most valuable prize, of course, is reserved for the middle – i.e. an ornament or a gift card. And the final piece for the game is a pair of dice. Watch here for game prep and detailed instructions: