
Texas Boy Bows Head After Asking Santa For Help For His Sick Dad

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Tony Maples Photography


Right before Christmas at a Bass Pro Shop in the Dallas, Texas area, a child hung his head while talking to Santa Claus. Maegan Leigh and her family were in line when they heard the little boy’s story. He told Santa that all he wanted for Christmas was “…to please let his dad be healthy,” according to Leigh’s social media post. Overcome with emotion, after Santa heard his request, they bowed their heads in prayer. Leigh posted a photo of the exchange to Facebook, and the post went viral with nearly 9K shares.

FOX 4 News writes that Leigh heard from the family after the Facebook post spread. “The family is a family of nine, Leigh said, and today, Leigh was to meet them to find out how the family, who is in need of money, can be helped. She never thought her photo would go viral and that the response from strangers to help the family would be so big,” FOX 4 News writes.

Leigh updated her Facebook post to read that, in addition to other donations, a collection was set up at Samee’s Pizza Getti in Rockwall up until December 23, to help the boy’s family have a merry Christmas this year. “God truly is amazing and works wonders,” Leigh said.