
Texas Women: Y’all Just Need to Let Go in 2017

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Tony Maples Photography


Ladies, there are a few key things you need to keep going into 2017. Your high standards, your good manners, and your southern sass are just a few. But there are also some things you just need to kick to the curb. We think you already have a good idea, but just in case, here’s a brief note on some things y’all can just let go of this coming year:

1. Let Go of Your Hate-On for Your Body.

Texas Women: Y’All Just Need to Let Go in 2017

Photo: Maxpixel

It’s okay to want to look a certain way and to be healthy. Be proud of your body. Look good and feel well, in a healthy way. Understand that you are mortal, but you’re also from Texas! Girl, go ahead and be the woman you are! Love yourself instead of spending excessive time convincing yourself you need to “fix” something.

2. Let Go of the Roadblocks You Set Up in Your Mind.

Texas Women: Y’All Just Need to Let Go in 2017

Photo: Public Domain Pictures

It’s never too late to start the path to your dream career, your dream savings or retirement, your dream…anything! Texas women are designed with a passion and drive to achieve many great things. Don’t tell yourself that a certain age, size, or situation can stop you from doing that.

3. Let Go of Perfection.

Texas Women: Y’All Just Need to Let Go in 2017

Photo: Pixabay

There isn’t a person out there, Texan or otherwise, who’s achieved perfection. Let go of the reigns and ride out your life with a focus on the best you can be instead of the best anyone can be.

4. Let Go of Envy, Anger, and Resentment.

Texas Women: Y’All Just Need to Let Go in 2017

Photo: Pixabay

Heard of “green with envy”? That’s an awful color to wear on our best days! Let go of any envy, anger, and resentment you might harbor towards friends or family you feel have hurt you. The quicker you find the ability to forgive, the quicker those little lines might dissipate from your face. Bring joy back into your life by letting go. That doesn’t mean you need to welcome a re-offender back into your life. It simply means acknowledging that you’re done spending time worrying about it.

5. Let Go of Those that Don’t Appreciate the Real You.

Texas Women: Y’All Just Need to Let Go in 2017

Photo: Pexels

We’ve all either heard it or said it our own selves: “…well if you loved me, you’d change…” A woman in any state, let alone Texas, shouldn’t have to compromise her own personal qualities for the approval or love of anyone. This isn’t a reference to bad habits, addictions, or just plain being mean (y’all need to sort that stuff out separately). This refers to what makes you, you. Your talent, your charm, your mannerisms, and your good nature are the right mix for the right people. Look for those people: that’s your Texas tribe y’all.