
It’s Not Thanksgiving Without Someone Asking One of These Questions

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Tony Maples Photography


The turkey is ready, the stuffing is made, the pies are in the oven, and the family is coming over for another holiday gathering complete with the same questions that are sure to be served up in many households this Thanksgiving day.

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the dreaded questions we’ve all faced from our grandparents, aunts, in-laws, just about anyone curious to know what’s happening in our little corner of the world. Or maybe it’s just the curiosity that sets in after spending an entire day with the family and needing something to break the ice? Whatever the case, we have all probably been asked some of the questions below. Things that make you go hmmm?

1. When are you getting married? 


The dreaded, “Are you seeing anyone? When are you getting married? You know the clock’s ticking?” Questions our auntie’s/Tia’s can’t wait to ask us like that is the most important thing in the world. Who cares if you just got a promotion, graduated from college, landed your dream job? No, on Thanksgiving, they need to know when are you getting married?

2. You’re on a diet?


Everyone knows the diet goes straight out the window during those family holiday meals. I mean who can deny Grandma’s secret apple pie recipe, or Mom’s famous green bean casserole? Not to mention if you grew up with tamales being a part of the meal, there is literally no way to avoid those, and if you try, your aunts may throw out the proverbial “Aye Mija, you’re too thin, here eat some more tamales.” Diet? What diet?

3. When am I going to have a grandchild?


“When am I going to have grandchildren? My mother had ten at my age.” It’s the perfect quote from Elizabeth Peña in the movie Nothing Like the HolidaysA question especially the newlyweds can look forward to from not only their own parents, but the extended family also wants to know when the family tree can expect to gain some additional branches.

4. So what’s the latest gossip?


You can’t attend any family gathering without everyone wanting to know the latest gossip. You better be attending the family dinner, or else you will probably be the one that your cousins are gossiping about. There’s no denying, holiday gatherings are prime breeding ground for sharing the latest news around, and someone is bound to come out with the opener: “Did you hear about so and so?”

5. Do you want to take some leftovers?


Holiday gatherings are great, especially if everyone is in charge of bringing a special dish. No doubt someone makes the best sweet potato casserole or the best pumpkin pie. Not to mention someone may decide turkey won’t be enough, there needs to be a spiral ham on the table as well. So no doubt your mom or your aunts will be sending you home with leftovers to tide you over the rest of the weekend. And don’t try to say no or that you’re full. Hey, that’s not such a bad thing when you think about not having to cook for a couple of days!