With towns in Texas named Athens, Dime Box (and Old Dime Box), Happy, Telegraph, and Telephone, does it come as a surprise that there is a town named Valentine? In Jeff Davis County in Far West Texas, there is an incorporated community by that name, home to 186 happy and love-sick people (2000 Census) and 1 old sorehead (estimated). Not much happens there until February 14th of each year, when the Post Office uses a special cancellation stamp.
Valentine, Texas: 187 People and One Big Party
Valentine’s Post Office is a real place.

Photo: Facebook/Abrahán Garza
Each year’s postmark is designed by a Valentine High School student, and the Postmaster cancels thousands of stamps on February 14th, either in person or those received by mail. You can place a stamped letter inside a larger envelope and mail to: Valentine Post Office, Post Master, 311 W. California Ave., Valentine, TX 79854.
Valentine is on the map, but barely!

Photo: Wikimedia/Seth Ilys
The tiny West Texas town is located 35 miles northwest of Marfa on US Hwy 90 West and was founded by a Southern Pacific Railroad crew on February 14th, 1882. It is only about 20 miles from the Rio Grande.
You’ve heard of Prada Marfa, but what about Playboy Marfa?

Photo: Robert C Deming
This sculpture placed near Valentine in 2013 was ultimately deemed to be an advertisement, not art, and was moved to Dallas. If you didn’t see it then, it’s too late now.
The Original Prada Marfa

Photo: Robert C Deming
This art installation from 2005, just over a mile from Valentine, receives visitors from around the world on a daily basis. Much more can be said about Prada Marfa, it’s a “thang.”
The One Big Party

Photo: Facebook/Big Bend Brewing Company
Every February 14th for the last five years the Big Bend Brewing Company has sponsored this event. They expected 100 friends and neighbors on the first party and had 500. Since some crowds have exceeded 1,000 people from all over the country.