Wineries: Another Reason to Visit Llano, Texas
The art and enjoyment of wine drinking and touring wineries grows in popularity among Texans, right up there with beer. Are you a member of a wine club? Many are. Clubs abound and provide Texans with choices. Wine tastings are fun ways to discover new brands. Looking for a romantic evening? You’ll find one in a wine room. Take a trip to the Texas Hill Country and discover delightful wineries. Tour the city of Llano and end the excursion with a taste of wine produced within the Texas Hill Country.
Photo: Flickr/Jon Lebkowsky
Llano lies 65 miles northwest of Austin, and about 100 miles north of San Antonio. The city, located on the Llano River, is the country seat. Llano in Spanish means “grassy plain with few trees.” The Spanish pronunciation is “Yah No,” but Texans now pronounce the city as though it had only one “L.” The area is not a grassy plain, the scenic wonderland is filled with rolling hills. Indian tribes occupied the territory in early days, and the first settlers to arrive in the mid 1800s were German immigrants. A mere 43 minutes away in Fredricksburg, you’ll find old German buildings and wineries scattered about the area. Texas holds the number five spot as the country’s largest wine producer.
Photo: Pixabay
With the name of Llano, you’d expect the Llano Estacado Winery to be in Llano. Nope. It’s in Lubbock, but like all Texas wines, Llano Estacado makes excellent grape vintages, and if you’re in West Texas, stop by their winery. But, in the Hill Country, not West Texas, you’ll find about two dozen wineries around the city of Llano, all close to eachother. While in Llano, tour two wineries in the city itself. Lone Star Wine and Music Tours promises fun and ambiance. Look them up on the internet, and don’t forget Main Street Affairs. You’ll find them located on Main Street and they should be the next stop. Reviews are excellent regarding both wines and service at Main Street Affairs.
Here are a few tips as you plan your trip to Llano and nearby wineries. Plan to have a designated driver and check for operating hours. Map your destination carefully. Even though Texas Hill Country wineries are close to one another, allow driving time. Once you arrive, enjoy!