
Exactly Just How Big Would You Say the State of Texas Is?

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Tony Maples Photography


“Just how big is Texas?” That was the burning question posed in a Facebook post by Traces of Texas on January 16, and the response was as overwhelming as the state itself. Seven thousand likes or reactions and more than 13,000 later (to date), it’s apparent that “the arcane Texas fact of the day” was the exact opposite, but no one knew how to explain it so easily. So just how big is Texas?

Visual Aids Help Get the Job Done

Exactly How Big Would You Say Texas Is?

Photo: Facebook/Traces of Texas

To prove its size, relative to its sister states in the east, the post made valuable use of a visual comparison. An outline of the Lone Star state, transposed with the outlines of all the other eastern US states that would actually fit inside its entire area was made available for post readers to gain perspective. And the value was not lost on readers. “Wish I had this visual when I was in Europe last fall, they were definitely curious about all things Texas…and disappointed that we weren’t in hats and boots,” said one comment.

Something to Qualify the Response, Other Than “It’s Big.”

Exactly How Big Would You Say Texas Is?

Photo: Flickr/Corey Leopold

“There are 254 counties in Texas. You could geographically fit 243 States of Rhode Island inside Texas,” readers like this went on to advise. And based on the graphic, many more followers of the Traces of Texas page were not pleasantly surprised as much as they were happily engaged and thankful for something to qualify the size of their home state other than simply saying, “It’s big.” Thanks, Traces!