A reasonably mild winter coupled with high amounts of rain have made parts of the Texas Hill Country a burgeoning hot spot for gnats. Their population has exploded, according to baytownsun.com, and unlike mosquitoes, gnats don’t carry disease and subsequently counties won’t spray for them. Here are four main things to keep in mind:

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Gnat Population Increases in Parts of the Texas Hill Country
1. Natural Remedies

Photo: pixabay
Those that have experienced the itching, swelling, and redness that comes from a gnat bite have advised that they’ve tried over-the-counter repellents to no avail and are now turning towards natural home remedies such as a mixture of lemongrass oil, lavender oil, vanilla oil, and water.
2. Sand Gnat

Photo: Flickr/chrisfifield-smith
You would think you could see such an enemy as it’s about to sample a piece of you, but alas, no. Many victims have noted that these bugs are microscopic and believe them to be Sand Gnats. The onslaught is never seen in advance, although victims realize afterwards that they’ve been bitten.
3. Buffalo Gnat

Photo: Flickr/andymurray
Still, more gnat-bite sufferers are unclear at this time whether the population now affecting the Texas Hill Country is of the “no-see-ums” variety (the microscopic Sand Gnat identified above) or the Buffalo Gnat. A reference to a bug with the prefix ‘buffalo’ attached to it clearly indicates something visible in terms of pending doom, however reports are sparse at this time with respect to variety.

Photo: Flickr/frankieleon
For the most part, protection measures can consist of things such as netting, repellents, and even such a thing as a “gnat hat,” but natural home remedies also appear to work. Depending on your preference, come prepared. A visit to the afflicted parts of the Texas Hill Country are now B.Y.O.B. – bring your own bug repellent.