Things to Do

10 Awesome Things To Do For $10 Or Less In The Hill Country

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Tony Maples Photography


6. Geocache at a Texas State Park


Geocache stash found in a log. Photo: Flickr/dmott

Geo-what? That’s what we thought, too. Let’s break it down. “Geo” means earth and cache means “hidden item”. And apparently some people decided that stashing little hidden items all over the earth for other people to find based on clues (or GPS coordinates) equals a good time. Thus, geocache happened.

Want a taste? Plan a trip to a Texas park. Then visit to download coordinates of hidden treasures right here in parks all over the Texas Hill Country. You can even sign up for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Geocache Challenge, get a passport, and receive prizes for your finds.

To learn more visit Texas Parks & Wildlife Geocache Info and Texas Parks and Wildlife Geocache Challenge. Daily entrance fees at many parks run below $10. Playing the game is free.

7. View bat babies in Mason

Photo: Flickr/kronis

Did you know that the Eckert James River Bat Cave Preserve is home to one of the largest bat nurseries in the country? Every year from May to September, mom-to-be bats show up here to have a giant birthing party with the rest of their friends. Bats usually give birth to just one baby (a pup) in June or July, but everyone hangs out here until September after which they impersonate snowbirds and travel to Mexico for the winter.

When You Go: Eckert James Bat Cave Preserve, James River Road, Mason; phone: May to September (325) 347-5970 other times (512) 263-8878. Admission: adults $5, children (under 5) free.