Things to Do

5 Great Places in Texas to See the Solar Eclipse

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Tony Maples Photography


We are now less than a week away from the highly anticipated solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. This will be the first time in nearly a century that a total solar eclipse has crossed the entire country. The last time this occurred was in 1918. The path of totality will cut across the lower 48 from Oregon to South Carolina. The shadow of the moon will travel at over 1,000 miles per hour, according to NASA. While Texas is not in the path of totality, it will still be worth watching (with eye protection of course).

Some locations in the state will see the moon cover over 80% of the sun. Here are five awesome places in Texas to catch this year’s partial solar eclipse.

1. Follett

Photo: Flickr/Diann Bayes

This small community in the Northeastern Texas Panhandle is the closest location in Texas to the path of totality. Therefore more of the sun will be covered here, 84.6%, than any other location Texas. Having personally visited Follett, you likely will not have to fight large crowds.

2. Texarkana

Photo: Flickr/Steven Martin

Texarkana is the closest sizeable city in Texas to the path of totality. Folks here will see 81.4% of the sun covered. The Atlanta Public Library will hold an eclipse party from noon to 1:30 p.m. with lunar hot dog links, sun chips, moon pies, drinks and special eclipse glasses free to all. The public is invited.

3. Dallas 

Photo: Flickr/Benjamin Esham

Everyone in Dallas will see the eclipse cover 75.5% of the sun. The Frontiers of Flight Museum will be hosting an eclipse event. Visitors can view this rare event directly either through the Museum’s solar telescope or with a free pair special glasses that allow direct viewing of the Sun, which will be provided to the first 300 visitors to the Museum at the Watch Party.

4. Fort Davis

Photo: Flickr/Robert Hensley

The McDonald Observatory will be hosting an eclipse event. Here approximately 60% of the sun will be blocked by the moon. The observatory will have an array of telescopes free for guests to view the event through.

5. Austin

Photo: Flickr/Alan Cordova

From Austin, 65.2% of the sun will be covered by the moon. The University of Texas is hosting an eclipse event. Viewing with the Astronomy Department Heliostat will be in RLM 13.132 and other locations around campus. Eclipse glasses will be handed out on a first-come first-served basis the day of the event. All activities are open to the public.