Many vile insects will normally send a shiver down your spine, but as are most things in Texas, we grow ‘em big…and scary! Before you read this, if you have a phobia, make sure your feet are up off the floor and you have no appendages, hair, and blankets even dangling off your chair or bed. You may not experience a real run-in with one of these creepy-crawlies, but the simple sensation of thinking you have can play tricks with your mind! Lurking in shadow, hiding in and under things you’d least expect them to be, here are five Texas bugs that will give you the heebie-jeebies if you come across them!
5 Texas Bugs That Will Give You the Heebie-Jeebies
1. Blister Beetles

Photo: Wikmedia
As their name suggests, they have the ability to cause blisters on those that come into contact with their bodies, which contain a toxin called cantharidin. The Blister Beetle can cause animals, horses particularly, that ingest beetle-contaminated feed, to become very ill and, in some cases, die. Simply handling these suckers can cause blisters on the surface of the skin! Blister beetles vary in shape and size by species (3/8″ to 1″ long) as well as color (gray to black or having paler wing markings, metallic, spotted, or yellowish-striped). Though more than 100 species exist in Texas, one of the more common is the black one which can be found in East and Central Texas.
2. Lichen Orbweaver

Photo: Facebook/Caldwell Zoo
The Lichen Orbweaver spider can be the size of a walnut and almost as heavy as a tarantula. Disguising itself to resemble a common lichen, they spin the classic spider webs which are practically circular, with radiating spokes from a central hub. Not known to be poisonous to humans, their sticky threads spiral around the web spokes, making a unique wheel pattern that’s practically a death-bullseye to their prey! Causing no harm to us bipeds, these arachnids have an appearance that would scare the living daylights out of anybody!
3. Scorpion

Photo: Pixabay
Another arachnid, although you might not think so, which is a frequent freak-out for bug-hating humans is the scorpion. Its closest relatives are spiders, ticks, and mites. Their characteristic shape easily gives them away, but if you’re looking for them, they tend to prefer drier habitats but have been known to be seen in and throughout Texas. Stinging when disturbed, they can be quite a nuisance to humans that accidentally interact with them, although that’s simply their defense mechanism when dealing with us people caught unawares.
4. Black Widow

Photo: Wikimedia
Texas is famous for being a great home to the Black Widow spider. It’s dangerous, and small (approximately 1.5 inches in length), and the female normally has a distinctive hourglass marking on her back. If bitten by this dastardly Texas devil, symptoms can include severe muscle cramps, intense pain, spasms, and tachycardia, although it’s predominantly not fatal to a healthy adult. Give this girl a wide berth if you happen to cross her (or maybe his) path!
5. Brown Recluse

Photo: Maxpixel
Most Texans are familiar with the Brown Recluse spider, although there are several different types. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Its bark was worse than its bite.” Well, that’s not the case with this little critter. They may be tiny, but their bite has been known to itch or sting, be followed by intense pain, possible fever and chills, and finally an ulcerating lesion. Commonly referred to as “fiddle-backs,” there’s no need to fiddle around with these little fellas. Be vigilant, and steer clear, otherwise, you’ll get more than just the heebie-jeebies. You’ll get a trip to the doctor’s office to deal with their aftermath.