
5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

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Tony Maples Photography


When you received that brand new, fresh-outta-the-box G.I. Joe or Cabbage Patch Kid, we’ll venture a guess you didn’t think it would one day be worth thousands of dollars. You were most likely more concerned with the accessories it came with, how fast you could get it unpackaged, and what a great gift it was. Because, as a child, you may not have necessarily thought to keep your toy in pristine condition on the hopeful premise that it was an investment in your future as opposed to something to play with. Well, for those baby geniuses that kept their messy mitts off their toy boxes for fear their future trade-in values would plummet, here are five of the most valuable 80’s toys from your childhood.

1. Cabbage Patch Kids

5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

Photo: Facebook/Cabbage Patch Kids

For a mere $360,000, you too can own the world’s largest collection of Cabbage Patch Kids! Owners, Pat and Joe Prosey, have a collection of 5,000 of the dolls as well as 3,000 of their accessories/memorabilia.

2. G.I. Joe Motorized Battle Tank

5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

Photo: Pinterest/Richard Munoz

Still going strong, this franchise has transcended time to bring action figure and hero fun to kids of many ages, but in 1982, the motorized battle tank appeared on the scene. To every young boy’s amazement (and chagrin, if you had to keep the darn thing sealed in its box for eternity). Today, that same glorious mechanism of pure Joe-joy is now worth $6,500 to collectors.

3. Star Wars Figurines

5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

Photo: Pinterest/Joe Aceves

At last count, there were only 20 “still in the box” Luke Skywalker figurines in the world, and when a collector recently sold his Star Wars collectibles at a Sotheby’s auction in 2015, he made more than half-a-million dollars!

4. Transformers Optimus Prime and Megatron Action Figurines

5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

Photo: Pinterest/Durong Lien Tam

Depending on the condition they’ve been kept in, these Autobots and Decepticons can fetch a pretty penny. Collectors are interested in these toys that outsold the He-Man franchise, and if you have a well-kept figurine, it can transform your wallet into one that holds $900 – the going rate for the most recently sold Optimus Prime in mint condition.

5. He-Man Eternia Play Set

5 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your 80’s Childhood

Photo: Pinterest/Christopher Elijah

No 80’s toy list would be complete without something from the He-Man collection! And the three-level He-Man Eternia set came out in 1986, released by Mattel to throngs of wealthy people (even then). It’s even rarer and expensive now, and the last one to be sold to a collector went for $17,000!