
6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

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Tony Maples Photography


6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

By Jenna Edde, Wide Open Country

If you’re a Texas native, there’s no question that you have a family photo where everyone is nestled in a massive roadside patch of bluebonnets wearing matching white T-shirts. While bluebonnets are those most well-known Texas wildflower, there are many other species that are just as prevalent.

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6. Texas Bluebonnets (Lupinus Texensis)

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/Road Fun

Texas bluebonnets are the official state flower of Texas and can be found lining highways across the state. While many people say that it is illegal to pick the Bluebonnet, it is in fact just an urban legend. It is actually completely legal to pick this beautiful wildflower, however, let’s not and say we did.

5. Indian Paintbrushes (Castilleja spp. )

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/Andreanna Moya Photography

These gorgeous wildflowers can also be found along the highways of Texas and can vary in shades of orange, cream and yellow. The tips of the pedals look like they have been dipped in bright red paint, hence the name Indian paintbrushes.

4. Gayfeather (Liatris spp.)

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/USFWS

Gayfeathers, also known as blazing stars, are easy to spot along the Texas highway because their purple, or sometimes pink spikes greatly contrast against the Texas grassland. This beautiful flower belongs to the boneset tribe within the Asteraceae sunflower family.

3. Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella)

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/TexasEagle

The Indian Blanket, also known as the firewheel flower or blanket flower, can also be seen along Texas roadsides. This flower gets its name because when seen altogether in a field, the orange, yellow and red pedals cause the flower patch to resemble a giant woven tapestry.

2. Chocolate Flower (Berlandiera Lyrata )

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/Quinn Dombrowski

Chocolate lovers, rejoice – we’ve found your favorite flower! This small daisy-shaped flower holds true to its name because it actually smells like a delicious chocolatey brownie. You’re going to want to stop on the side of a Texas highway, pick some, and put them in your kitchen.

1. Lantana (Lantana horrida)

6 Texas Wildflowers That Are Roadside Showstoppers

Photo: Flickr/Dick Culbert

These yellow, red and orange geometric-shaped flowers grow all over the state on 3-5 foot shrubs. This tough little guy thrives in the hot temperatures and can resist drought, heat, salt and even deer. This flower produces a dark black-purple berry that is poisonous to most mammals and humans. Though it looks yummy, do not eat it.

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