Things to Do

All’s Well in Castell, Texas

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Tony Maples Photography


“That’s where you want to go to get away from it all.” No, proud Beach Boy fans, this isn’t about Kokomo, this is about the lesser-known Castell, Texas. When you truly want to see the big Texas sky without an interruption from a skyscraper, or you want to hear the world around you without the harmonious honking of rush-hour traffic, you need a little Castell in your life.

All’s Well in Castell


Castell, the ole 76831, prides itself on a population of just 23 people — roughly the size of a second grade class. The population has started creeping up (ever so slowly) since 1847, but modern-day Castellians are making the free-thinking Germans who claimed this map dot proud.

All’s Well in Castell


The atmosphere is simple and untouched by the congestion of drive-thru windows and mile-wide parking lots. So, if you can’t stop for a highway pick-me-up cup of coffee on the way to Llano, Austin or Fredericksburg, just what can you do in Castell? Don’t just pass through; stay a while and see:

So, put your smartphone back in your pocket when you hop out of the car in Castell. Chat with locals over lunch at the general store. Breathe the fresh air. Cast a line. Splash around in the Llano. Or set up camp for a few days. It all starts with a stop — take a break in Castell.