John Z. DeLorean was a controversial visionary who left a successful career at General Motors to pursue his dream of establishing his own company. The resulting most recognizable product would be the sensational vehicle, the DeLorean DMC-12. Today, meetup groups and enthusiasts from all over the world gather to discuss and show their versions. One man in Humble, Texas, decided to do the same and opened the DeLorean Museum in 2006 as part of the main DeLorean facility.
Have a Blast in Humble at The DeLorean Museum!

Photo: envato elements
As Texas is second only to California for states within the United States containing the most DMC-12 owners, the location near Houston is an optimal spot for DeLorean owners to receive repair and restoration work, as well as parts shipping. This museum is 100% run by volunteers who love everything about the iconic gull-wings and space-age stainless steel design. Learn more about the puzzling story which led to the ultimate demise of this car of the future, it involves a drug sting, the British government, and Hollywood icons here!

Photo: envato elements
The museum itself is flanked outside with a row of the undeniable sports car and inside contains many interesting models and artifacts. This undertaking is the project of Stephen Wynne, an English auto mechanic who spent much time in the 1980s with the cars and in 1996, purchased the remaining 1,800 unsold vehicles, along with parts inventory and tooling. It is key to note the museum does not have its own building and currently uses a portion of the showroom at the DeLorean Motor Company.
There is no charge for admission, and parking is free while visiting. Hours of operation are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DeLorean Motor Company is closed on major holidays and sometimes the day before. If planning to visit, check updates on Facebook and call (281)441-2537 for opening hours.