Cake Boss Opens Up a Second Bakery in Dallas Area
If you’ve ever caught an episode of “Cake Boss” on TLC, you probably remember the outgoing star of the show, chef Buddy Valas. The TV series follows the life of Valas and his family-owned New Jersey bakery called Carlo’s Bakery. Since the success of the show has exploded, there are now multiple locations of Carlo’s Bakery across the U.S.
The first Carlo’s in Texas opened in March in Dallas. Fans packed the bakery, and now there are plans for a second location. Dallas Culturemap says the second spot will open up by spring 2017 in Frisco. Northeast Houston will get a taste of their famous cakes, cookies and cannolis as well with the city’s first Carlo’s.
For those who can’t wait for the new Cake Boss-owned locations to open their doors, you can order a cookie tray from Carlo’s Bakery to be delivered to your home. The colorful morsels are “French cookies topped with peppermint chocolate and crushed candy cane, Nutella, fig, chocolate chips, wild berry with strawberry jam, coconut.” Check their shipping schedule to make sure the delicious desserts can make it to your home by Christmas, or celebrate getting through the holidays with a batch all to yourself post-December 25th.