Texas Hill Country | November 22, 2022
From Texas to the Tetons: Tony Maples
By living on the road and sharing his passion for photography with others, Tony has become a true...
THC Staff | September 23, 2022
Man Gets Stung by a Texas Velvet Ant or ‘Cow Killer’ on Purpose
You might want to watch out for these insects when you're going on a hike! In this video, Peterson...
Honky Tonk Foodie | August 20, 2022
The Lacey Oak Tree Loves Calling the Hill Country Home
Once upon a time, an aristocratic Englishman came to the Texas Hill Country and discovered a unique oak...
Jenny Webster Jurica | August 2, 2022
5 Facts About the Texas Coral Snake that Might Surprise You
The Texas coral snake is so shy, docile, and misunderstood that it doesn’t get nearly the same hype...
Spring Sault | July 10, 2022
What Not To Do When Helping a Turtle Cross the Road
There are a few key things to keep in mind when you're working to help a turtle cross...
Jenny Webster Jurica | June 2, 2022
Texas Centipedes: 3 Things You Probably Don’t Want to Know
When you move to the Hill Country or visit here, no one warns you about Texas centipedes. Here...
Spring Sault | March 6, 2022
An Easy Food Recipe to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Backyard
Globally, there are over 300 species of hummingbirds, nine of which can be found in Texas from mid-March...
Spring Sault | February 20, 2022
Watch This Video of Bears Climbing the Walls of Santa Elena Canyon
With walls upwards of 1,500 feet, Santa Elena Canyon has the tallest cliffs forming this Texas canyon, but...
Jenny Webster Jurica | January 26, 2022
Venomous Texas Spiders: Which Two Species to Look Out For
Texas is home to lots of spiders; only two species are considered dangerous. The black widow and the...
Jenny Webster Jurica | January 11, 2022
What Orange Ladybugs Really Are and Why They Are a Threat
Although most ladybugs are harmless and good for the environment, the recently introduced orange ladybug (Asian Lady Beetle)...
Texas Hill Country | December 20, 2021
Tony Maples: Texas Hill Country Photographer of the Year
Tony Maples Named Texas Hill Country Photographer of the Year for Stunning Landscapes and Dedication to Photography Education
Robert C. Deming | December 13, 2021
What’s YOUR Big Bend Story? Explore Real Texas Beauty
The “Big Bend” in the Rio Grande River in west Texas is a place where stories...
Matthew Monk | December 10, 2021
Bald Eagles in Texas are Making a Comeback: Where You Can See Them
Bald eagles in Texas? Yes! In recent years the population has been expanding. Once upon a time, bald eagles...
Jo Ann Holt | December 1, 2021
Whooping Cranes Return to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
Over 500 Whooping Cranes, North America’s tallest bird, migrate to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge for their winter home....
Max McNabb | October 30, 2021
The Giant Spider Web that Swallowed Up Trees in Texas
Everything is bigger in Texas, even the spiderwebs. More than just creepy, a massive spider web in Texas was...
Jenny Webster Jurica | October 26, 2021
The Texas Asp: Do Not Pet This Cuddly-Looking, Fuzzy Caterpillar
The Texas asp may look cuddly and harmless, but they are anything but! This venomous caterpillar is the...
Jenny Webster Jurica | October 19, 2021
Flying Spiders in North Texas: Arachnophobes Recoil in Terror
Residents in North Texas recently reported seeing flying spiders and webs attached to objects. This is a form...