
New Chief Recipe Officer Eddie Jackson Welcomed to Beef Loving Texans

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Tony Maples Photography


Beef Loving Texans’ has created the ultimate dream job, Chief Recipe Officer, and picked the best person for the work: former NFL star and award-winning Food Network chef Eddie Jackson. Under this position, Jackson will create a series of new recipes plus serve as an ambassador to all for nutritious, balanced beef dishes. The Beef Loving Texans brand strives to celebrate the pride and values deeply rooted in both established and new Texans through family, community, and tradition.

New Chief Recipe Officer Eddie Jackson Welcomed to Beef Loving Texans

Photo Courtesy of Beef Loving Texans

Jackson was chosen due to his long history as a beef-loving Texan, further demonstrated by his newest cookbook “Game-Day Eats: 100 Recipes for Homegating Like a Pro.” In regards to his new role, Jackson noted: “I’ve had a lot of jobs, and while the title of Chief Recipe Officer is a new one for me, I’m really excited about it. I love cooking with beef, whether that’s in the kitchen or on my eight-foot backyard smoker, so this felt like a natural partnership. I can’t wait to get started.”

New Chief Recipe Officer Eddie Jackson Welcomed to Beef Loving Texans

Photo Courtesy of Beef Loving Texans

Jackson has started indeed; his latest exciting new recipe is Smoky Texas Chili, a delectable meal that is topped with cornbread dumplings cooked in the same pot. Although the dish is published using smoked chuck roast, it can be modified to be prepared with brisket, tri-tip (a cut of meat from the bottom sirloin subprimal cut), or any other beef cut of preference. Easy to make and impressive enough to get happy praise, Texas spices and roasted poblanos make this recipe truly pop. Quicker than traditional chili but with an equal amount of deliciousness, this recipe makes 16 servings. Keep up with Chief Recipe Office Eddie Jackson via social media, and see how many of his recipes you can make. They are sure to catch the attention of all who love beef!