Milk production in Moscow has received an unexpected boost. According to sources, some farmers in Russia have strapped virtual reality headsets to their cows, which are modified to fit the cattle properly and simulate pleasant experiences. One such experience is a summer field, designed specifically to please the animals.
The virtual reality headsets have been adapted for the dairy cows as an experiment, including colors that are designed to reduce their anxiety, and work specifically for cattle. There’s been no word with respect to whether this is something that will be adapted around the world, including here in Texas. However, in Moscow, the cows in the experiment have displayed positive results.
Engadget, a technology website, has reported that the virtual reality headsets show the cows landscapes that are pleasant and colors or scenes that put the animals in a better mood. Despite the fact that the numbers anticipated from this study have yet to show increased milk production, the alternative has proven to reduce it, in that if a cow appears stressed or over anxious, they produce less milk. Subsequently, a more comprehensive study is being planned to further investigate the process.