This Woman’s Fairytale “She Shed” Will Make You Want Your Own
First there was the man cave, and now there is the she shed.
In the Catskills Mountains of New York state sits one Victorian-style, renovated hunting cabin. That’s right, a renovated hunting cabin has become Sandra Foster’s private nook and cranny. Her “she shed”, if you will.
So what sparked this incredible design? Well, with a passion for decorating that was struck dormant by the demands of the real world and a desire for her own space, Sandra saw the tiny hunting cabin on their newly-purchased property and began converting it in 2009.
The cabin has a distinct Victorian feel to it, with its “peaked roof, five small windows and a sleeping loft over a small porch supported by tree trunks.” It acts as her little studio and doesn’t have running water. However, inside of it, sits her tiny paradise of a she shed.
Decorated in shades of white, with splashes of pink accents here and there, she has truly made her she shed a remarkable home. And Sandra Foster isn’t the first to do it, either. Though gone unspoken for the most part, she sheds have been around as long as man caves have.
Everyone needs a small space of their own. For the ladies lucky enough to have the space, a she shed is an ideal oasis.