Local News
The Flu Strikes Hunt ISD
According to a recent article by Kens 5, nearly a third of Hunt ISD elementary and junior high students fell ill with the flu, forcing HISD Superintendent, Dr. Crystal Dockery, to close the schools’ doors on Tuesday.
The virus ravaged the district and its staff leading Dr. Dockery to seek advice from a pediatrician who recommended they close the schools. Dockery also brought in a third-party company to clean the HVAC while the schools are being cleaned and disinfected before classes resume on Thursday. The district has requested that any parents of sick children be held out another 48 hours after classes resume, as a precautionary measure.
Adding to more than 50 sick students and five staffers, Dockery finally made the decision to close the campus when seven more students were sent home before the morning bell. Fortunately, despite the loss of school days, Dockery told Kens 5 they will not need to make up any days at the end of the year.
Hill Country parents should take extra precautions to protect their children from the virus this year, especially if they are in public areas often or for extended periods of time. The CDC offers several suggestions for maintaining good health during the flu season like washing your hands regularly; not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; and stay home if you are feeling sick.