
Gummy Chicken Experiment Not for the Birds [WATCH]

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Tony Maples Photography


Using a food-grade silicone, Grant Thompson, aka “The King of Random,” has released a video for making a gummy chicken on YouTube.

Yes, you read that right – “Gummy Chicken.” The reveal took place in parts, showing half of the life-sized chicken in gummy form first and then other pieces as he carved the mold away. The true-to-form fowl came out of the mold with its skin intact (in a manner of speaking), on the brink of actually looking appetizing!

“Surprisingly true to life…” the blue gummy chicken was an experiment in fun. The main dessert dish was stuffed and garnished with colored candies and presented to Grant’s kids for approval and consumption! We’re not sure this is something our grannies would approve of, but then progress can’t be measured until put into effect. It won’t be a dish soon served at the Texas Governor’s mansion, that’s for sure!