When you are first confronted with one of Bruce’s doodles, you have to ask yourself, “Why? What is this about?” A retired Methodist pastor, Bruce Bowman plays competitive tennis, builds rock walls, and doodles. “I get bored. Things go better if I am doing something with my hands. It’s more relaxing. I listen better when I doodle.” According to Wikipedia, a doodle is a drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Known for doodling his way through the countless meetings he attended as a pastor, he makes a comparison with religion. “One of the things about the church is that you don’t see anything. It takes time. But doodling is concrete. It’s the same with writing.”

Hill Country Artist: Bruce Bowman
A Doodle ought to flow like Jazz.

Photo: Bruce Bowman
“This truly represents doodle. It’s pure doodle.” Bowman puts on more than one coat to make the finish smooth. “I don’t want it to look like a poster. Everywhere I go I pick up a different pen.”
Every one is unique.

Photo: Robert C Deming
Bruce says this is not a fish, but that someone has the perfect place for this uniquely shaped doodle. Doodles are more popular than ever; the images that show above the Google search box are called Google Doodles.
Art Show

Photo: Robert C Deming
Bruce doesn’t have a studio, so he sets up shows.
Every Doodle is unique.

Photo: Robert C Deming
This show at Tierra Linda Ranch near Kerrville, where Bruce lives, demonstrated the uniqueness of each Doodle. His career as an artist has taken off; in the last year, he has sold 40 of these bright and challenging pieces.
The complexity of the Doodles comes from Bruce’s interest in philosophy.

Photo: Robert C Deming
Bruce is well known for his interest in philosophy; for many years he moderated a group he called “The Arguing Group.” The complexity and variety of his designs come from his deep well of thought and knowledge.