Local News

Houston Station Selection Made for the Texas Bullet Train Project

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Tony Maples Photography


Following the announcement of the Dallas station location for the Texas Bullet Train, the Northwest Mall has recently been announced as the preferred station site for the Houston terminus.

Representatives from Texas Central, the privately-owned and self-funded company which is in the process of developing the Texas Bullet Train, have identified this site selection based on ease of access and connectivity for local transportation. The high-speed passenger train, which is promising a 90-minute ride between the cities of Dallas and Houston (with one stop in the Brazos Valley) has been the topic of much discussion amongst Texans since the concept first came into the limelight.

The Houston station site was also selected to give riders easy access to downtown Houston, the Energy Corridor, and the Galleria. Anticipated to commence construction in 2019, the Bullet Train project is expected to bring as many as 1,500 permanent jobs to the area, and at least a third of them have been promised in the locale of Houston.

Houston Station Selection Made for the Texas Bullet Train Project

Photo: Pixabay

The Federal Railroad Administration recently outlined the proposed train’s route, which would make its way through a number of Texas counties. Community meetings regarding the Houston station site selection have just been hosted by the Federal Railroad Administration at Woodard Elementary in Cypress and Navasota Junior High in Grimes County, and Waller High School in Waller County, where Texas Central representatives were also on hand to speak with local businesses, area residents, and landowners.