Some of the snakes found in Texas are harmless to humans. Venomous snakes pose a threat to humans and domesticated animals if bitten. The ability to identify snakes can be beneficial, especially in more rural areas where encounters are more common. Species of snakes have characteristics that are definable to help determine their danger towards humans and pets. Here is a list to test your knowledge.
Can You Identify All of These Texas Snakes? [QUIZ]
1. Having a brown or reddish color, this pit viper snake is venomous and common along the wetlands. There are a couple of subspecies in Texas, the Broad Banded can be found in central and western Texas. The Trans-Pecos subspecies are found along bodies of water, and the Southern which is found in the south regions.

2. Named after “white tissue” in its mouth, also a venomous pit viper, this snake eats other amphibious creatures. This snake is sometimes referred to as, “water moccasins”, and are found near bodies of water.

3. This venomous snake has a total of at least 10 subspecies in Texas, only three of the subspecies are known to act aggressively towards humans. With a range of colors and subspecies this snake is better identified by the “warning” signal produced by shaking the muscles at the end of its tail.

4. Identification of some snakes can be made by their color bands. This snake has rings of red, yellow, and black. There are sayings that help with the proper recognition of when a snake is venomous. For this species remember, “Red and yellow kills a fellow”.

5. The other half of the helpful identification rhyme is “Red and black is a friend to Jack”. There are more than 45 subspecies of this snake, one of which is the Milk Snake that is often found around the Gulf Coast. Because these snakes are immune to pit viper venom, they are known to eat rattlesnakes.

6. A snake that is often mistakenly identified as a rattlesnake, not because of its tail but because of its skin color and patterns. This nonvenomous snake can be seen hanging from trees with its head underwater searching for prey.

7. Often mistaken for a Western Diamondback because of it similar rattles, this snake is nonvenomous, it kills its prey by constriction. A defense mechanism used by this snake is a loud hiss.

8. The most common large snake found in the Austin area, they are known as excellent climbers. They can have a combination or variety of colors, and its underbelly is often plain. Nonvenomous but a constrictor they are often considered aggressive and prey on rodents.

9. Considered harmless, this snake has a nickname, “puff adder”. When threated, it puffs its head to resemble a cobra. It will lunge at a person, but its mouth stays closed. If those defense mechanisms don’t work, this snake will roll over, open its mouth and play dead for several minutes.

10. The most common North American snake is often referred to as a, “garden snake”. Their bodies often have thick lateral stripes. These small harmless snakes are preferred to have around because they will eat small rodents and pests that are considered a nuisance to gardens. They use pheromones to communicate with other snakes.


Texas Snake Quiz
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