Located smack-dab in the Texas Hill Country, and, as Texas Monthly put it, “inconveniently located in the middle of nowhere between Fredericksburg and Comfort,” sits Alamo Springs Cafe. This burger joint boasts a delicious burger with just about any add-on you can dream up, with an extensive menu featuring salads, breakfast items, and even dinner specials. People come from all over to sample what a lot of people refer to as one of the best burgers in Texas.
Places to Eat
Are You Up for the Jefe’s Challenge at Alamo Springs Cafe?
The Jefe’s Challenge

Photo: Facebook/alamospringscafe
One of the stand-out menu items at Alamo Springs Cafe is the Jefe’s Challenge. According to the Alamo Springs Cafe menu, the Jefe’s Challenge goes a little something like this:
“Our famous cheeseburger with 6 beef patties, 6 slices of cheese (That’s right we said 6) and a large order of fries. Challenge requires that you consume this monster in 30 minutes or less. Remain at the table for 15 additional minutes for a successful completion of this challenge. You also get a free T-shirt and your picture prominently featured on the ‘Gluttons Wall-of-Fame’ – If you Fail. $29”
Are You Up For the Challenge?

Photo: Facebook/alamospringscafe
Better get to training! The folks at the website, www.foodchallenges.com have a handy-dandy guide for how to train for (yes, train for) and win an eating competition, such as the Jefe’s Challenge. Here are a few of their suggestions:
Prepare by increasing your stomach capacity. Having the required stomach capacity limit to fit the entire meal inside of you is the single most important factor that determines whether or not you have the ability to win a specific food challenge.
Break down and analyze the challenge components. You will most likely fail a large burger challenge if you just try to pick it up and eat the entire thing at one time. Consider what parts of the challenge you know you will enjoy the most, and also decide whether there are any specific components that you know you won’t like. You will want to eat the foods that you dislike most in the beginning.
Eat meats and proteins first, and then carbohydrates. In most cases, you want to finish all of the meats, cheeses, vegetables, and toppings before moving on to the carbohydrates
Listen to music to help you stay focused. If you watch eating competitions and food challenges online, you will most likely see a few people with headphones listening to music while they are eating. By listening to your favorite music, this will help you to stay focused and “in the zone.”
To learn more about the Alamo Springs Cafe, visit their Facebook page.