
The Life of Lyndon B. Johnson in a Nutshell

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Tony Maples Photography


LBJ was known in private for his crudeness, womanizing, and downright rudeness to everyone around him. Gossip of his involvement in the murder of President Kennedy still haunts many today.

By 1965, Johnson began escalating for America to move quickly into Vietnam. This war became highly controversial. Johnson sent more than 100,000 combat troops in at first and within the next three years, the numbers would soar to more than 500,000. The magnitude of American casualties were increasing daily. The draft was in full force.

Antiwar protestors were powerful and strong. Johnson kept sending in more troops, money, and weapons abroad. He had to have known there would be no way to win this, yet he kept going. LBJ was no longer popular with the country, he and the country was spiraling out of control.