Are you aware of the London Hammer? Found in London, Texas in 1936 by Max Hahn and his wife while they were out walking, the hammer also became known as the “London artifact” when the rock in which the tool was found trapped in was alleged to be over 400 million years old. The question was then posed as to how a tool, obviously made or at least used by man, could be found in rock dated so old when mainstream history maintains that man himself has only been known to exist for roughly 200,000 years? The details boggled conventional history.
Believed to be made to work with soft metals (due to its shape and size) the hammer has not rusted since its discovery in 1936. Also, parts of the wooden handle were beginning to form into coal. Thought to be a tool which is similar to those used in the late 1800s, there was still the wonder around how it could be stuck in such an ancient piece of stone. One belief is that the ancient concretion could have been formed around the tool by soluble minerals. The hammer ceretainly presents some interesting optics.
Video: YouTube/V101 Science
The concept of this process doesn’t make the tool as old as the rock, which therefore debunks any theory that the tool is proof of man’s existence well in advance of current belief. The video, by TheVendor101 neither confirms nor disproves any theory and rather, poses the question to the viewer on their thoughts around the subject (and regarding the rock around the hammer). It could be a head-scratcher, but it’s our head-scratcher, having been one of the more amazing discoveries found right here in Texas. The artifact is now on display in creationist Carl Baugh’s Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas.
Speaking of manmade objects found in ancient rock, Joe Taylor, Curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, has a stunning set of casts on display. The casts are of depressions left in a layer of ancient sandstone by a series of manmade objects that resemble metal plumping heads. The formation of Pennsylvanian sandstone is alleged to be 300 million years old, so what were metal, manmade objects doing in it? These mysterious depressions were left in a remote riverbed, and the exact nature and whereabouts of the objects themselves is a true mystery.