Things to Do

Marble Falls Activities for the Cooler Months in the Fall and Winter

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Tony Maples Photography


Though most enjoy visiting Marble Falls in the summer to take some time on the lake, the fall and winter still offer plenty to do. Though the fall and winter in Texas can be unpredictable, in the event of a cooler season, you want activities you can do without feeling chilly while still having fun. If you want a holiday trip, check out these Marble Falls activities you can enjoy during the cooler months, whether Texas brings 40-degree highs or 80-degree highs in December.

1. Visit Longhorn Cavern

Longhorn Cavern

Photo: Facebook/Longhorn Cavern State Park – Texas Parks and Wildlife

One of the best parts of Texas caves is their constant temperatures. Whether you visit Longhorn Cavern in summer or winter, the temperature inside the cave will be around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Though park entrance costs nothing, you will pay a fee for a guided tour of the cave, and you will not be allowed to enter the cavern without a guide. The cave tours, though, are worth the cost as you learn about the history and geology of Longhorn Cavern. Both the park and cave tours are available all year long, except on Christmas Day.

2. Drink Up

Visisting Save the World Brewing Company is one of the many Marble Falls activities you can do in the winter

Photo: Facebook/Save the World Brewing Co.

If you’re feeling bored, one the many Marble Falls activities you can do is visit Marble Falls’s brewer, Save the World Brewing Company. This brewery has a tasting room where you can sample its wares before buying them. Various activities throughout the year make the brewery a popular hangout for many people. The brewery’s tasting room takes on the feel of a local pub with TV, board games, and patio games available for patrons.

3. Check Out the Walkway of Lights

Marble Falls activities include Walkway of Lights

Photo: Facebook/Walkway of Lights – Marble Falls

Every year, from the Friday before Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, Marble Falls pulls out all the stops with its holiday display, Walkway of Lights. This attraction in Lakeside Park is free to the public, but bring extra cash for concessions and photos with Santa. Don’t worry, your money will go to a good cause, as the food and pictures profits will benefit non-profit organizations in Marble Falls. Check the weather, though, before you set out because rain will cancel the event that evening.