Myths and Facts About ‘Black Friday’
Black Friday – just the mention of it will either make you giddy with excitement or make you cringe with the thought of terrible traffic, busy stores, and past years gone wrong. Regardless of your thoughts about this upcoming shopping extravaganza, take a look at a few myths and facts that might change your view of what Black Friday is all about.
Myth: Black Friday is named after the 1929 stock market crash.
Photo: Wikipedia
The stock market crash happened on a Tuesday in 1929 and is known as Black Tuesday. Though there was a stock market scare in 1869 known as Black Friday, it remains completely separate and unrelated to what we know of Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving.
Fact: 151 million people shopped Black Friday deals in 2015.
According to, 151 million shoppers took advantage of Black Friday’s notorious sale deals, though many did so online. Many are staying in on Black Friday to shop on their computers instead, staying away from the rush, 2 a.m. camp-outs, and crazy shoppers.
Myth: Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year.
Photo: Flickr/Diariocritico de Venezuela
While it is true that Black Friday brings a massive amount of revenue to retailers, the busiest shopping day of the year is the Saturday before Christmas, also known as Super Saturday, according to BloombergGadfly.
Fact: Shopping on Black Friday can be dangerous.
Shoppers are eager to be the first to get to those doorbuster deals and it seems that all bets are off if someone cuts in line or when the store unlocks the doors. Believe it or not, there is a website called that keeps tabs on the number of deaths and injuries that occur as a result of Black Friday shopping. They have reported 7 deaths and 98 injuries between 2006 and 2014.
Myth: Black Friday deals are better than any other deal throughout the year.
Photo: YouTube/BlackFriday 2015
Wrong. In fact, if you have taken a look at some of the deals in this year’s circular, you might have thought to yourself, “You call that a deal?” However, the savvy shopper knows that great deals can be found throughout the year, not just on Black Friday. states, “With sales starting earlier thanks to the Black Friday creep, there are more and more “filler” deals. The truly awesome bargains are there to give buyers a shopping high, and try to persuade them to buy more things — at a hefty markup.” Why not wait until after the rush and look for better deals that come up closer to Christmas?
Fact: There have been no “Cyber Monday” related deaths according to
Stay safe this year and shop from the comfort of your recliner. While there is no guarantee that you won’t trip over a child’s toy or be subject to a rogue cat darting between your feet, it’s still a heck of a lot safer than trying to bolt through the double doors of your favorite store with hundreds, if not thousands, of other frenzied shoppers.