Local News
San Antonio Ranks as U.S. ‘City of the Future’
In a recent report surrounding the expansion of our country’s most populated cities, titled “America’s Cities of the Future,” Forbes makes a bold claim.
“The most vital parts of Urban America can be encapsulated largely in one five letter word: Texas,” it states. San Antonio comes in at No. 8 on its list of boom towns. The popular business magazine studied 53 of the largest cities in the country with populations of over 1 million, and calculated likely population booms over the next 10 years.
Factoring in to the equation were variables such as percentage of young adults with bachelor’s degrees, unemployment rate, birth rate, and domestic migration.
Coming in at number one was, of course, Austin, Texas. The sustaining tech boom of the capital is one of the key drivers, according to the publication. Austin has seen a 19.1% increase in job growth over the past five years, and 43.7% of its population holds at least a bachelor’s degree.
Clearly, it has no plans of slowing down any time soon.
The news should come as no surprise to longtime residents, who have felt the encroachment of out-of-towners for some time and the resulting suburban sprawl that threatens the natural landscape.
Regional planners, architects, professors and sociologists who form the Hill Country Alliance have recommended ways in which rural towns, land owners and developers can navigate sustainable growth alongside our region’s natural resources while preserving the features that make our little corner of the world so rich in resources.