World News

Star Wars Character Obi-Wan Kenobi Might Be Getting His Own Standalone Film

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Wired UK reports that a long-rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi centered film is now “seemingly confirmed.” It appears that director Stephen Daldry might be taking on the project. Interestingly, he’s most well-known for directing “Billy Elliot” and “The Hours,” both of which dive into character development, not action sequences.

Film School Rejects says,“There have been rumblings of anthology films that would focus on the likes of Yoda and Boba Fett to fill Lucasfilm’s objective of having a new Star Wars film out every year until the end of time.“ But where would an Obi-Wan movie fit in?

Wired guesses that the possible Obi-Wan film won’t show much of the Jedi as a young boy since Star Wars fans didn’t respond well to following a young Anakin Skywalker through “The Phantom Menace.” And, if Ewan McGregor was to take on the role again (as he previously said he would), his age would keep the film from focusing greatly on his early training.

It would make sense for the movie to cover when he goes into exile in the time period between “Revenge of the Sith” and “A New Hope.” As Wired writes, “McGregor is age appropriate for this period in the character’s life, and it fits with Disney’s pattern of squeezing all its Star Wars standalones around the run up to the increasingly mythologised Episode IV.”