
Pumpkin Spice White Russian: Because Fall Time, Y’all

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Tony Maples Photography


With the onslaught of pumpkin spice-everything coming our way this season, it’s nice to know there are a few things it truly does improve upon. One of which is an adult beverage that’s flown under the radar for some time. The original White Russian drink is made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream. In many instances, when ordered at a bar, or mixed at home, the makers will substitute milk or half-and-half for the cream. In this case, the cream itself is the welcomed change. Making use of pumpkin spice creamer, it’s incorporated into the cocktail to produce a unique take on this old classic.

Shared on the Delish website, the recipe for a Pumpkin Spice White Russian is relatively easy to prepare. The rimming mix only has two ingredients, and the drink has three, with an optional cinnamon stick for garnish. The concept is indeed inspired, considering all of the items that have gone the way of pumpkin spice over the past few years, not the least of which is actually a creamer product, from none other than Starbucks. Mixing this with the coffee liqueur in this drink seems to turn a lightbulb on. You’ll probably be wondering why you hadn’t thought of this piece of autumn-inspired brilliance before, but the mixology gurus at Delish have you covered.

Pumpkin Spice White Russian

Pumpkin Spice White Russian: Because Fall Time, Y’all


Key ingredients for this recipe include:

Pumpkin Pie Spice

Graham Crackers



Pumpkin Spice Creamer

Cinnamon Sticks


The makers at Delish have prepared the recipe at the link available here for one person. That’s not to say you can’t easily mix up a batch of Pumpkin Spice White Russians for your friends one evening as you sit around the fireplace talking the latest school updates, local Texas football scores, or what the latest happenings are on “The Ranch” series. In fact, it might inspire some creative flow when it comes to what you’re supposed to bake for the upcoming community fundraiser, what to meal prep for suppers in the month of October, or how to get the grass stains out of little Jimmie’s khakis. (That last part may not actually come up at all, but you get the drift.) Cheers to fall time and to the pumpkin spice of life!