
‘Puttin’ On The Ritz’ Chocolate Coconut Pie

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Tony Maples Photography


Photos by DiAne Gates

The holidays are over, and we’ve spent enough kitchen-time and are looking for quick, easy, but delicious desserts. And here’s a tasty treat you can whip up with less than 20 minutes prep time followed by a quick half-hour in the oven.

Serve warm or cold. With ice cream (Blue Bell, of course). Or a healthy portion of Redi-Whip or the real stuff!

Puttin’ On The Ritz

Puttin’ On The Ritz


30 Ritz crackers

1 cup chopped nuts (your choice)

1 teaspoon baking powder

3 eggs whites

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

Pinch of salt

¾ cup of chocolate chips

¾ cup of shredded coconut


Place crackers in plastic zip lock bag, and crush ‘til fine. Add baking powder, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, and coconut. Set aside.
Beat egg white stiff, add sugar, vanilla and salt.

Fold dry ingredients into whites and pour into a greased pie plate. Bake for thirty minutes at 325 degrees.

If there’s any left, cover and refrigerate. This pie’s just as good cold as warm from the oven. Mama’s original recipe didn’t include the chocolate chips or coconut. That’s my creativity. And next time I’m going to add dried cherries with the chocolate. What’s not to like about chocolate and cherries?