
The Shotgun Flower Shell Lets You Sow Your Wild Oats & Plant Flower Seeds At the Same Time

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Tony Maples Photography


Back in the 1960s, when the concept of passive resistance was being coined as “flower power,” a group of protestors at the Pentagon placed flowers into the rifle barrels of National Guardsmen. Although not quite the same concept, now you can have true “flower power” with the Shotgun Flower Shell. Instead of ammunition, that aims at taking life (through hunting of course), these ones spread it by shooting flower seeds.

The Flower Shell Lets You Sow Your Wild Oats & Plant Flower Seeds At the Same Time

Photo: Pixabay

The Shotgun Flower Shell is essentially a 12-gauge shotgun shell, only in place of shot, these are packed with flower seeds (your choice of peonies, poppies, sunflowers, cornflowers, lavender, sweet pea, and many more). They’re designed to be used in a similar fashion as one would normally use a shell, only in this case, you load and aim at a section of ground where you would like the seed to be spread, and shoot. It’s an interesting concept product, but not one we’re entirely sure would take off, even in the state of Texas, where we love our guns, mainly for hunting, and not so much for gardening!

The Flower Shell Lets You Sow Your Wild Oats & Plant Flower Seeds At the Same Time

Photo: Pixabay

Home, Garden and DIY shared a post about the shell on their Facebook account which showed some appeal and interest in the more than 1,500 shares and over 1,000 reactions. One rather funny comment was by Facebook user Paula Banks, stating, “If you’re favourite gardening tool is a seed dispensing shotgun……. You might be a redneck!…”

The Flower Shell Lets You Sow Your Wild Oats & Plant Flower Seeds At the Same Time

Photo: Pixabay

The link in the picture post by Home, Garden and DIY leads to which in turn references another site we found to be quite humorous in its description of the product and its use. Called, the site did a review of sorts for the Shotgun Flower Shell, stating things such as, “Gardening is known as a soothing, therapeutic pastime. Guns have a bit of a reputation for causing consternation, unsightly holes, and bodily harm. To mix up these old-world assumptions, ad firm Studio Total has unveiled a new product: the Flower Shell,” and noting that they’re ideal for “violently reseeding large, empty fields…” But their sense of humor didn’t stop there. Writing a semi-sales pitch on behalf of the product, they added, “Tired of both senseless gun violence and quiet, slow tinkering in the garden? Take replanting by storm and force the yielding soil into bountiful submission.” Unfortunately, the link to the ad company that was originally representing the product is no longer operable, however, the video link for the product still worked. Whether this means that the Shotgun Flower Shell has in fact gone to market, or it no longer can be purchased, remains to be seen. Of interest, was’s final comments in their review, that this product was “100% questionable”!