The urge to splurge at your local garden center or do-it-yourself store has hit like spring fever! With warmer weather comes daydreams of enjoying a glass of sweet tea on your porch, admiring your handy work and the beauty of your flowers, hoping your neighbors do as well. If you’re looking at doing some lawn and yard decorating for springtime charm and appeal, here are some great ideas to give your place that Texas Hill Country touch.
Springtime Curb Appeal Projects to Add Texas Hill Country Charm to Your Yard
Flowers Along the Fence Line

Photo: Pinterest/Barbara Perry
A prime place to dress up your property, the fence line may already have some dirt that’s been disturbed and won’t require too much in the way of additional soil or fertilizer (ahem…cows). Your choice of flower may vary, of course, but the look of it is definitely quaint and country.
Making Use of What You Have

Photo: Pinterest/Michele Kelzer
If you have some old implements in your shed or barn, the garden, yard, or entryway to your property is a fine place to put them. Get some rust paint in the colors you like (or try to match its original color), add some decorative grasses, mulch, and flowers, and you have a tiny piece of Texas Hill Country charm right there.
Make Use of What You Can’t Get Rid Of

Photo: Pinterest/Brooke Atkinson
Instead of considering that giant rock or stump you can’t get rid of an eyesore, why not make it work for your yard by glamming it up some? Perennials that offer blooming appeal, tall grasses that complement the object’s height or size, and even a sign with your family name, are some great ways to gussie it up. Your neighbors might even wonder how they could get their hands on their own rock or stump when you’re done!
Installing Decorative Gates

Photo: Pinterest/Katie Pratt
The opportunity to make use of another person’s antique item or perhaps something you also have in storage as a decorative gate is a wonderful way to not only upcycle, but also to add something unique to your property. This example turned a bed headboard into an old-timey yard gate that adds a touch of class to the decorative fencing.
Container Gardening

Photo: Pinterest/Lynn Zane
Nobody said your container had to be a traditional flower pot from Lowe’s or Home Depot. You can use darn-near anything that will hold soil and flowers, and leave room for water drainage if necessary. In this instance, it’s a rusty wheelbarrow, but in other instances, people have been known to use watering cans, tires, peach baskets, and so on. Use your imagination, and let your yard be your gardening canvas!