In the heart of Fredericksburg, located in Gillespie County, is a historical haven known as the Pioneer Museum. Located at 325 West Main Street, the Pioneer Museum is a museum complex that features displays, hands-on demonstrations, and year-round activities for your family to enjoy. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday –Saturday, and closed on Sundays. Museum admission is $5.00 per adult and $3.00 per child ages 6-17. Children under six are free.
Walk through and explore the early Texas structures and get a glimpse of early pioneer life in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
Gillespie County Historical Society (GCHS) was formed in 1935 with the purpose of educating and sharing with folks about the history of Gillespie County and surrounding areas. In 1955, the GCHS purchased the historic Kammlah house, store, and property which includes a smokehouse and barn. Over the years, the site has grown to include three acres and 11 buildings.
The 11 buildings you will see along your tour are: the Arhelger Bathhouse, the Dambach-Beiser House, the Fassel-Roeder House, the Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Fighter Museum, the Kammlah Building the Sancuary, the Social Hall, the Vereins Kirche, the Wagon Yard, the Walton-Smith Log Cabin, the Weber Sunday House, and the White Oaks School. While walking through this tour, you will get and understanding of the early challenges facing the German immigrants upon arriving to a new land.
To compliment the tour, there is also a German meal available, admission is $15 per person. The meal includes Opa’s sausage, German potato salad, sauerkraut, homemade bread, dessert, coffee, and tea.
An even being held at the museum currently is the Schoolgirl Samplers Exhibit which showcases antique and contemporary samplers owned by current Gillespie County residents. This is a “must see” experience you will never forget. For information you can call (830) 990-8441.