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Where Does Texas Rank with Other States for Coronavirus Restrictions?

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Tony Maples Photography


Restrictions and shutdowns, then the subsequent reopening of businesses and relaxing for social distancing rules that have accompanied COVID-19 disease spread can be confusing. As some businesses are choosing to hold back on opening guidelines, it can be helpful to get perspective of how the Lone Star State compares to others in the United States. The personal-finance website WalletHub has recently released its reporting on the states, including the District of Columbia, with the fewest current coronavirus restrictions per nine key metrics, plus accompanying videos. These rankings are founded on available data as of 12:30 p.m. ET on May 4, 2020.

Where Does Texas Rank with Other States for Coronavirus Restrictions?

Photo: envato elements

Coronavirus Restrictions in Texas (1=Fewest, 25=Avg.):

  • 8th Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions in the United States
  • 1st in Requiring People to Wear a Face Mask in Public
  • 1st in Reopening of Non-Essential Businesses
  • 3rd in Reopening of Restaurants and Bars
  • 7th in Orders to “Shelter in Place”
  • 10th in Restrictions on Large Gatherings of People
  • 11th in Travel Restriction
Where Does Texas Rank with Other States for Coronavirus Restrictions?

Photo: envato elements

Other highlights of the article include others states with the fewest COVID-19 restrictions (South Dakota has the least, Hawaii has the most), and a graph showing per state the death rate in connection to restrictions. In early April, WalletHub provided statistics for the Texas ranking among unemployed rise due to COVID-19. Another report was posted on April 13 regarding which states had the most small businesses affected by COVID-19: Hawaii, Nevada, South Dakota, Mississippi, and South Carolina were the top five, with Texas ranking 39th.

Information such as this evolves every day and is helpful especially to those with families and friends in severely affected areas. Please remember caution is always the best course of action, more so during this unprecedented time for the United States and the world. Bookmark WalletHub for ongoing reports and statistics to assist with your decision-making processes for you and your family.