“I been having a ball since I was a boy in Beaumont…” was the opening line to a Mark Chesnutt song called “Blame it on Texas,” only there’s nothing to blame. Oh, you can thank it maybe – for the great times you’ll have if you set your sights on visiting in beautiful Southeast Texas. Beaumont is located along I-10, but there’s so much more to it then a route to commute. For example, outdoor lovers will marvel at a hike through Big Thicket National Preserve, or a visit to Gator Country Rescue Adventure, which is home to “Big Al” and “Big Tex” – the two largest live-captured alligators.
Things to Do
Travel & Vacation Tips No One Tells You About Beaumont, Texas
Quiet & Peaceful, or Loud & Raucous?

Photo: Facebook/Neches River Rally
If “quiet and peaceful” floats your boat, there’s always the opportunity to canoe in Village Creek State Park or go antiquing in the Old Town Historic District. Beaumont is home to a variety of antique stores as well as entire antique malls, so you may want to draw up an itinerary before you set out in search of hidden Texas treasure! And if loud and raucous (or at least dancing the night away) is your deal, the Crockett Street entertainment district has the nightlife you long for, complete with live music, country dance halls, and plenty of great spots to cut a rug at.
Amazing Texas History, Including The Lucas Gusher

Photo: Pinterest/Visit Beaumont, TX
Texas state history buffs will enjoy the Spindletop Gladys City Boomtown Museum which gives its attendees a history of oil as well as the reenactment of the Lucas Gusher – the “big one” that would change the Texas state economy and signal the dawn of the petroleum age (check the museum’s website in advance for a schedule). There’s also the Fire Museum of Texas, which guides its visitors through the evolution of firefighting and its resulting heroism in the Lone Star State. It features C.A. “Pete” Shelton Plaza, honoring retired, deceased, and fallen firefighters, as well as the World’s Largest Working Fire Hydrant, covered in Dalmatian spots! So what are you waiting for? Beaumont is a beauty of a Texas gem that needs no polishing, just time to shine.