Sam Elliott may not have had the lead role in the movie “Tombstone,” but he had to have known that the world would be watching and that his role, albeit supportive, was integral to the telling of the story. Over the course of the movie, his character of Virgil Earp (Wyatt Earp’s brother) had a value that was unforeseen – he was the silver fox of the film. Known for his more recent roles in “The Ranch” series on Netflix, not to mention a reprisal of a western lawman in “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” his sensibilities shone through as the eldest Earp, which is something many a fan would secretly swoon over (hello…Texas? Serious, upstanding, western leading man action happening here.) Women love him, and men want to be him. Don’t believe me? Here are three times that the character of Virgil Earp was every woman’s silver fox in the movie Tombstone.
3 Times Sam Elliott as Virgil Earp Was Every Woman’s Silver Fox in ‘Tombstone’
1. From the Outset

Photo: Facebook/Coleman Tilghman Jr.
Virgil Earp: Well, here we are a family again. Been so long, plain forgot how good it feels. Want to thank you for that, Wyatt. All your doin’.
2. In the Midst of the Trouble

Photo: Facebook/Danny’s Movie Reviews Vol.2
Wyatt Earp: What in the hell are you doin’? I told you we weren’t gettin’ involved!
Virgil Earp: You got us involved when you brought us here.
Wyatt Earp: Now you hold on a minute, Virg!
Virgil Earp: Hold on nothin’! I walk around this town and look these people in the eyes. It’s just like someone’s slappin’ me in the face! These people are afraid to walk down the street, and I’m tryin’ to make money off that like some goddamn vulture! If we’re gonna have a future in this town, it’s gotta have some law and order!
3. When All Heck Breaks Loose

Photo: Facebook/Western & Classic Movies
Virgil Earp: Don’t worry, Allie girl. I still got one good arm to hold you with.