In Texas, it’s absolutely true that we’re blessed with some sunrises that, even though we see them regularly, never fail to leave us amazed. Quite a number of our readers enjoy this very thing while many can only hope to one day witness a beautiful Texas sunrise. And, we’re hard-pressed to stop telling you how grateful we are to be Texas-born! It’s sweeter than sugar to see a gorgeous Texas sunrise. Here’s just a glimpse of what we’re lucky enough to catch on a clear day!
3 Reasons Waking Up to a Texas Sunrise is Sweeter Than Sugar
1. It’s Time to Put the Coffee On

Photo: Pexels
We have some beautiful sunrises in the Texas Hill Country, and pictured here is a great one off the front porch. Nothing could be better than this view unless it was while you were sitting in a chair on the porch with a hot cup of coffee in your hand!
2. Our Shores are a Sight to Behold

Photo: Flickr/Woody Hibbard
In Galveston, it sure is a tough thing to wake up and see such beauty every darn day…said nobody. You would swear you could see clear to the other side of the world on a morning like this, and knowing that you’re doing so standing on the soil in the great state of Texas isn’t a hard thing to take!
3. Our West Texas Views Aren’t Exactly That Bad Either!

Photo: Flickr/Visit El Paso
This little number was captured perfectly out in gorgeous West Texas. We’re lucky enough to be graced with some gorgeous elevations, some pristine flatlands, some rolling hills, and some steep ascents – all of which are touched by the warmth of a beautiful sunrise on a clear day. And, we appreciate all of it! We hope you do too.