
Rare (and Very Cute) White Lion Born in Texas Zoo

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Tony Maples Photography


The Ellen Trout Zoo in Lufkin, Texas welcomed a newborn baby lion around 3:30 PM on July 15th. This cub is particularly special since it is a rare white color!

In a press release, the Ellen Trout Zoo stated, “White cubs are uncommon in accredited zoos…One born a couple of years ago reverted to normal coloration when it was about six months old. Will this lion remain white? Only time will tell but everyone at the Ellen Trout Zoo is thrilled at the birth and are happy mother and cub appear to be doing so well.”

This marks the second baby for African lion, Adia. She was not able to produce milk to nurse little Sango, but happily, she has been able to for the new cub.

Six days after its birth, vets were able to examine the baby for a wellness check. They determined that the 4.5-pound cub is male.

No matter if the cub stays white or looks more like Simba as the days go by, the baby lion is exceedingly adorable and we can’t wait to watch him grow up!

Keep an eye on the Ellen Trout Zoo Facebook page for more photos of the cub cutie.