Have you ever asked a friend for a review of a local Texas Hill Country restaurant? How about the website and app designed for the same thing… but from a fairly impartial viewpoint? If you’ve turned to Yelp for a review of a local restaurant, you’ll find that the patrons are quite vocal about what they like and don’t like. You know with this app that you’re generally getting an unbiased viewpoint of the business, its menu, and the service from people who have actually visited the establishment and felt so strongly (positive or negative) about it that they wanted to tell others! Well, now the app is taking that a step further with the addition of health inspection reports – something that up to this point, has only been available for restaurants in San Francisco.
Is Your Favorite Restaurant Clean or Dirty? Yelp Restaurant Reviews to Add Health Inspection Reports for Texas

Photo: Facebook/Steven Johnson
Yelp is a restaurant review website and app which has found its popularity in producing the kind of recommendations that make people hungry! If you’re looking for a great local steak, some fine Texas barbecue, or some mouthwatering ethnic food, these guys have got you covered. However, they also provide details on those places that haven’t received a positive approval rate from local users – which can be of great benefit as well. Announcing this week that they are planning on incorporating health inspection reports to their restaurant listings across some of the country’s largest states, establishments in Texas will also be included. Yelp revealed in a corporate blog post that they’ve been working with local health departments for five years now to be able to expand the type and quality of information that they produce for users, including health inspections for a broader array of the businesses that are reflected.

Photo: Facebook/Food Alert
Along with the state of Texas, Yelp is adding restaurant health inspection reports for New York, Illinois, California, and Washington, D.C. Although this detail was previously made available for San Francisco restaurants in some fashion, the company hasn’t stated when the data for the establishments from these entire states would be available. Yelp will also be incorporating this feature across more states over the coming months.