Things to Do

Art + Science = Science Mill

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Tony Maples Photography


For many people, Bonnie Baskin has put Johnson City on the map.  She says, “You can’t fall in love with science by reading, you have to do it.”  At the Science Mill in Johnson City, kids are doing just that.

Get Out of the House.


Photo: Science Mill

“There is a lack of interest in science these days. You can’t fall in love with science by reading about it. You have to do it.”  – Founder Bonnie Baskin.

Hands on and Interactive


Photo: Science Mill

Johnson City is a crossroads, and it is attracting kids from all around the Hill Country for some hands-on science.

There Isn’t a Ferris Wheel Like This at the County Fair!

ferris wheel

Photo: Science Mill

There are gadgets all over the place here, and they are all designed as a hands-on activity. Older kids are often present as “Explainers.” This place is inter-generational and designed for parents, grandparents, and children to interact with each other and the gadgets.

This Isn’t Studying Science, It Is Doing Science.

Science Mill biolab

Photo: Science Mill

The Science Mill offers structured programs and camps but is also available for you to come on your own.

Don’t tell this woman it can’t be done.

Bonnie Baskin

Photo: Robert C Deming

“I started, ran, and sold two biotech companies, and I’ve never worked so hard in my life as I have worked on this.” Meet Science Mill creator and owner Bonnie Baskin. She and her husband thought they were retired when they moved to the Hill Country a few miles out of Johnson City. Now she is busy organizing and creating new projects in the Science Mill, which is a top-notch science museum comparable to any in the world. Come find out for yourself – and bring a kid.


-About the Author-

Robert C Deming lives in Fredericksburg, where he is a financial advisor and a novelist. Robert is active in community affairs, an avid hiker, and frequent kayaker of Texas rivers. He is the author of four novels, three of them mysteries starring a Texas Park Police Officer.