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TPWD Reports Great ‘Opening’ to Deer Hunting Season

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Tony Maples Photography


Many hunters headed out last weekend for the most anticipated time of year in Texas for “Opening” bow hunting season and rifle season for those ranches with MLDP level 3 permits. The hunting should be better than ever this year with the rainfall we have had along with mild temperatures.

“Ideal weather conditions this year have helped produce a smorgasbord of lush green forbs and woody browse plants which comprise the majority of a deer’s diet, these favorable range conditions will out deer in top body condition this year and antler quality should be above average. The deer have plenty of nutrition to feast on building up their mass before the first freeze,” stated Alan Cain, Texas Parks & Wildlife Division. PWD, from  (Silent Opener)

McCullough County- Adam Caletka | 4.5 yr old | 21 point | 200″ |

McCullough County, Texas

Photo: Facebook/Texas Buck Registry

With all of the rain we have had this year, it will be a great deer hunting season, the whitetail deer number in Texas has grown to 4 million and continues to increase. The highest whitetail deer population is in the Texas Hill Country Edwards plateau with ‘”2.27 million deer estimated in the area in 2015 and will most likely increase in 2016 due to a higher fawn crop,” said Alan Cain, TPWD. Hunters across the Texas Hill Country are encouraged to use their bag limit this year.

Colorado County- Mr. Bryan Skow | 5.5 yr old | 10 point | 146 3/8″ | Low Fence | Alton Balusek Ranch

Colorado County, Texas

Photo: Facebook/Texas Buck Registry

Hunters play a big part in quality deer management and should tag a report all deer taken. There is a new App that Hunters can download called “My Texas Hunt Harvest”. This app helps hunters track and record their harvest while also helping TPWD wildlife biologists keep records of what has been harvested across Texas to maintain a healthy growing deer population. Although this app is extremely helpful for TPWD, you will still need to fill out your tags and log your harvest on the back of your hunting license.

Shackelford County-Mr. Wade Montgomery | 7.5 yr old | 11 point | 162 3/8″ | Low Fence

Shackelford County, Texas

Photo: Facebook/Texas Buck Registry

Following the opening weekend of Bow Season, there were some big bucks taken across Texas. The season has begun and hunters are already seeing great results and harvesting their game. From the Texas Buck Registry on Facebook, hunters can post their harvest and keep everyone informed on what game is being taken in the different counties of Texas.

According to Texas Buck Registry, here are just a few of the  bucks reported opening weekend: McCullough County – Adam Caletka | 4.5 yr old | 21 point | 200″ |, Colorado County – Mr. Bryan Skow | 5.5 yr old | 10 point | 146 3/8″ | Low Fence | Alton Balusek Ranch, and Shackelford County -Mr. Wade Montgomery | 7.5 yr old | 11 point | 162 3/8″ | Low Fence. See other hunters and their game on the Texas Buck Registry Facebook page .