
Artist Highlights Every Skin Tone in Beautiful Photography Project

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Tony Maples Photography


Artist Angélica Dass was born in Rio de Janeiro and now lives in Madrid where she continues to work on an ongoing project called “Humanæ.” Armed with an international mindset and a passion for photography, she formed this work in progress with a personal interest that moved forward with a global perspective.

In “Humanæ,” Dass photographs people of all ages, backgrounds and socioeconomic standings. She grabs an 11 pixel square from the nose of each portrait, matches the color to a Pantone number, and then changes the white background to match the Pantone. Once the photo is randomly placed alongside other portraits, the viewer can see how varied skin tone truly is and how each should be celebrated for the beauty it holds.

In a TED talk, Dass tells the audience that she was “born in a family full of colors” with a father who had an “intense dark chocolate tone” and a grandfather who was “somewhere between vanilla and strawberry.” She most enjoys seeing the representation of different skin tones in her project when it’s displayed in public areas. She also notes how powerful it is to see “Humanæ” used in classrooms around the world to help children feel a sense of community and togetherness.

To see more photos of this moving project and how it’s used in education, check out Dass’s website here.