
Texas Cow Patty Cookies Taste Much Better Than They Look

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Tony Maples Photography


What’s more “Texan” than cows? You’ll see plenty of ‘em pretty much anywhere you go in Texas — along the highway fence-line or out in the pasture. Well, lots of cows leads to lots of cow patties. It’s just the way it is!

But, to brighten your day, there’s a much better outlook on the old cow patty. As a matter of fact, there’s a fantastic recipe for cookies that resemble cow patties! Hilarious and delicious all at the same time. True to Texas size and humor. You just have to taste these to believe how good they are!

Cow Patty Cookies

Texas Cow Patty Cookies



  • 2 cups shortening
  • 2 cups butter
  • 4 cups brown sugar
  • 4 cups white sugar
  • 8 cups flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking soda
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 4 cups oatmeal
  • 4 cups cornflakes cereal
  • 2 cups coconut
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 8 eggs
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 2 cups nuts (chopped pecans or walnuts)


Melt together shortening and butter. Blend in the remaining ingredients in a large bowl with melted shortening and butter mixture. Use ice cream scoop to scoop dough on to cookie sheets, 6 cookies to a sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F until chewy, about 15 minutes. Yields 5 dozen.

Recipe by Shirley Mathis