
5 Famous Authors from the Texas Hill Country

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Tony Maples Photography


4. Sandra Cisneros

Cisneros looking colorful as usual.


Although born in Chicago, Cisneros worked for much of her career as Writer-in-Residence as Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, where she received the Texas Medal of the Arts. Cisneros also founded the Macondo Foundation which continues to operate out of San Antonio.

Cisneros is known for her seminal work, The House on Mango Street, a collection of vignettes based on her childhood. Cisneros is considered one of the leading voices in the Chicano Literary Movement.

She has published several other novels and received numerous awards for her work.

5. Katherine Anne Porter

Katherine Anne Porter, always a classic.


Porter was born in Indian Creek, Texas, just a short ways from Brownwood. As a youth, she moved with her family to several different parts of Texas including the Kyle and San Antonio.

Porter was best known as a journalist and essayist until her novel, Ship of Fools, became the bestselling book in America in 1962. Porter taught at the University of Texas and received numerous awards for her work.

She is one of the few writers in the history of letters that has received both The National Book Award and The Pulitzer Prize. Her remains were returned to the Hill Country where her ashes are buried at the Indian Creek Cemetery.

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